RCS Athletic Schedule
June 4, 2021
Seniors join with Backpack Buddies
November 4, 2021On October 21, 2021, Resurrection Catholic School dedicated our newly renovated gymnasium to Coach Glenn Murphy and Coach Leslie Patrick. Both the Murphy and Patrick Families and friends attended the dedication ceremony. Our Lady of Victories Deaconate candidate Steve O’Brien led the dedication prayer and RCMHS Principal Kristal Sisson welcomed the attendees.
Mr. John Bullock, OLV Class of 1972, and Mr. Bragg Moore, Class of 1969, shared memories as they reflected on the life-changing impacts both Coach Murphy and Coach Patrick made on hundreds of young men and women at OLV/RCS. Tom Murphy spoke about his father’s legacy and thanked Resurrection Catholic School for dedicating the gymnasium to Coach Murphy. Wayne Patrick shared memories of his father’s time at OLV as a football coach and also expressed his gratitude to RCS for naming the gymnasium in honor of his father. In her closing remarks, Mrs. Sisson thanked Dr. Bud Ehlert for his commitment to RCS and the gym renovation. Resurrection Catholic is honored to have the newly named Murphy-Patrick Gymnasium on our campus.