July 2022 Alumni Spotlight- Alison Fox Pace
July 20, 2022
RCS PTO Wants YOU to Join in the Fun!
August 12, 2022The RCMHS cheerleaders will be holding their annual Little Girl Cheer Camp Monday, July 25 through Thursday, July 28 from 9-11:30. Girls will learn the fundamentals of cheerleading, including lots of fun cheers, games, songs, and dances! Parents are invited to join us for our pep rally on Thursday at 11:20 am. The price is $85 per child and includes all activities, art projects, and snacks. You may pay the first morning or reserve your spot via Venmo (@Alice-Lachaussee) or PayPal ([email protected]). Please let us know if your child will attend and her age. Participants do NOT have to be RCS students to attend.