RCS Celebrates Grandparent’s Day!
September 13, 2023
RCS Celebrates Catholic Schools Week 2024!
January 3, 2024
RCS Celebrates Grandparent’s Day!
September 13, 2023
RCS Celebrates Catholic Schools Week 2024!
January 3, 2024
Resurrection Catholic School celebrated Homecoming Week October 10th through 14th with the Peter Pan theme, “We Can Fly!” Students celebrated Spirit Days throughout the week such as Disney and Peter Pan character days, Dress as an Adult day and Pajama Day. Middle/High school students also worked on Homecoming displays and decorated the halls on campus.
On Wednesday, RCS held their annual Homecoming Parade, Block Party and Pep Rally. Due to rain, we had to move things indoors but we didn’t let that ruin the fun! Homecoming maids and escorts pulled wagons around crowds of spectators and threw beads and other throws. The RCS Cheerleaders then kicked off an outstanding pep rally that included the Elementary, Middle and High School cheerleaders as well as the always entertaining class skits! We ended the night in prayer for our cheer and football teams.
On Friday, the Elementary maids were presented prior to the game and Middle/High school maids at halftime. Senior Emma Roth was crowned the 2023 Homecoming Queen. On the football field, the Eagles hosted East Marion and dominated the district foe 28-12, punching their ticket to the postseason. Capping things off on Saturday was the Middle and High school Homecoming dances where a fun time was had by all! Homecoming 2023 was one to be remembered and was a great week to be an EAGLE!