
*Note: Menu items may change without prior notice due to product delivery issues and shortages. We are sorry for any inconveniences.



Breakfast is served Monday-Friday from 7:30 am- 7:55 am.

March Elementary Breakfast

March Elementary Lunch


High School

Breakfast is served Monday-Friday from 7:25 am- 7:40 am.

March M/HS Breakfast

March M/HS Lunch


Meal Prices for the 2024-2025 School Year:


Breakfast $2.50   Lunch $3.50

Reduced Breakfast $0.30   Reduced Lunch $0.40


Breakfast $3.00   Lunch $5.00


Ala Carte Items (full meal must be purchased before buying ala carte items)

4oz juice   $0.75

Breakfast Entree   $2.00

Cereal/Pop Tart   $1.50

Chips   $1.00

Lunch Entree   $2.50

Rolls   $0.75

Vegetable/Fruit   $0.75


Water and Diary Items (may be purchased without a meal)

16oz water   $1.00

8oz water   $0.50

Ice Cream   $1.00

Milk   $0.50


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Cafeteria Program

The school cafeteria has trained personnel who furnish nutritious balanced meals. Schools using the Federal Meal Program must follow certain regulations. Those who wish may bring their lunch from home. FAST FOOD MEALS AND SOFT DRINKS are not permitted in the cafeteria. NO GLASS CONTAINERS ARE PERMITTED IN THE CAFETERIA. Students bringing lunch from home may bring in juice or may purchase milk for lunch. No student will be allowed to skip lunch. Carbonated beverages are not permitted at lunch.

Families are encouraged to participate in the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program since increased participation can mean increased funding and eligibility through other federal programs, such as E-Rate program (technology funding). Free and reduced lunch forms are available in the office. We recommend that all meals be PAID BY THE MONTH. Each child has an account that can be debited for meals or snacks. Monthly menus are sent home for planning purposes. Charges in the cafeteria are not routinely permitted. When sending checks, please place the check in an envelope marked with the student’s name, class, and purpose. Please give specific instructions when sending money for meals and snacks and for multiple children.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Resurrection Catholic School Health and Wellness Plan 2024-2025

National School Breakfast and Lunch Program 2024-2025

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement- Food and Nutrition Service

USDA My Plate