Catholic Diocese of Biloxi Earns Cognia Accreditation
August 22, 2024
Catholic Diocese of Biloxi Earns Cognia Accreditation
August 22, 2024
On, September 6th, the RCMHS school family was blessed to have Bishop Kihneman join us to dedicate our cafe to Blessed Carlo Acutis. Mrs. Sisson welcomed the Bishop, Diocese of Biloxi Superintendent Mrs. Jennifer Broadus, and Vicar General and lead pastor of RCMHS Father Adam Urbaniak to the RCMHS cafe, now known as Blessed Carlo Acutis Hall.
Campus Minister Eric Paul Coulter reflected on the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis and the impact he made on the world through his research and internet publications on Eucharistic miracles. Bishop Kihneman unveiled the beautiful painting of Blessed Carlo that will adorn our cafe. He spoke to the students about Blessed Carlos’ path to sainthood and encouraged students and staff to ask for Blessed Carlos’ intercession. Bishop Kihneman then Blessed each student and staff member with the relic of Blessed Carlos, followed by Father Adam sprinkling them with Holy Water. Mrs. Sisson gave each student and staff member a bracelet with the quote spoken by Blessed Carlos: “Not me, but God.” Superintendent Broadus gave each student a Blessed Carlo Acutis prayer card. We were also blessed by the beautiful singing of the RCMHS choir. At the end of the dedication, staff and students enjoyed cake! Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!