“The local School Advisory Council, deriving its authority from the Pastor, recommends procedures and defines purposes for the school, in accordance with the written philosophy of the school and drawing inspiration from the the Holy Spirit, speaking within the life of the school’s faith community.” – from The Catholic Diocese of Biloxi’s Handbook of Catholic School Policies
Some of the duties of the RCS School Advisory Council include the following:
  • Review and recommend changes to handbooks
  • Help develop school procedures
  • Provide feedback to the principals on yearly goals
  • Plan and approve yearly financial budget
  • Review and approve school calendar
The council is made up of one member from each parish within the RCS school community, including the pastors from each parish.


Resurrection Catholic School Advisory Council


Steve Wade

Steve Wade is a member of St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, where he serves as President of the Pastoral Council. He has been married to Brenda Wade for 43 years and has two children, Heather and Matthew, three grandsons and a granddaughter. He and his wife are enjoying retirement at their home on the lake in Moss Point. He is a volunteer in the MS State Guard as a Command Sergeant Major.



Lena Sanders

Lena Sanders is a member of Saint Peter The Apostle Parish. She is a retired educator, having worked as a teacher in the Mississippi Delta, Our Lady of Victory and Moss Point School District, where she served as assistant principal Moss Point High School and principal of Kreole Elementary. After retiring, she served as an independent  consultant. She is married to Nathaniel Sanders ,has two sons and numerous grandchildren.


Munson Hinman

Munson P. Hinman, D.C. has served on the RCS advisory board since 2016 and as President for the past few years. He and his wife Kelley have been long time supporters of RCS where they raised four children who are third generation graduates. Dr. Hinman is also very active in OLV parish and in various civic organizations serving the community. Since 1990, he maintains a Chiropractic clinic in Pascagoula.



Andrew Yarger

Andrew Yarger is a parishioner at Sacred Heart. He and his wife, Erin, have four children who all attend RCS. They are both products of Catholic education and feel strongly about continuing that tradition with all four of their children, who will be sixth generation RCS/OLV graduates. For the last 16 years, Andrew has been a Senior Account Executive for Lamar Advertising. He is currently serving in the Board of Directors for Catholic Charities of South Mississippi and a Core Team Member for Pascagoula CYO along with his wife, Erin. In his spare time, he enjoys attending his children’s sporting events and spending time with his family and friends.


Deacon Robert Illanne

Deacon Robert Illanne was born in New Orleans. He was ordained on June 22, 2013. He moved to Gautier in 1978 where he is currently assigned to Saint Mary Parish. He and Barbara (Murray) have 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Deacon Robert converted to Catholicism while a senior at University of Southern Mississippi Easter of 1977. He holds a M.Ed. in special education. He Retired from Pascagoula Schools in 2004. Deacon Robert is an active member in KAIROS prison ministry. He founded Shepherds of Mary where he works in Hopkins, Belize supporting Holy Family Catholic School. Besides material and financial support Shepherds of Mary provide scholarships to students continuing their education at the secondary level.



Reverend Emmanuel Awe- St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church


Father Arockia Doss- St. Mary Catholic Church


Reverend David Milton- St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church


Reverend Everardo Mora Torres- Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Lead Pastor- Resurrection Catholic Elementary School


Very Reverend Vincent O. Ajayi- Holy Spirit Catholic Church


Very Reverend Adam Urbaniak- Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church

Lead Pastor Resurrection Catholic Middle/High School