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These are thought to be due to endarteritis obliterans resulting from radiotherapy purchase pioglitazone 15 mg otc diabetes knowledge test. Subsequent surgery on such poor-quality tissues also predisposes to a higher complication rate involving the ureters [17] generic 45 mg pioglitazone overnight delivery diabetes diet on a budget. Presentation Ideally purchase pioglitazone discount diabetes in dogs and diarrhea, any iatrogenic ureteral injury should be identified and dealt with intraoperatively; however discount pioglitazone 15 mg online diabetes prevention for teens, 50%–70% are diagnosed postoperatively [18,19]. Early signs of ureteral injuries are subtle and usually missed, the injury being discovered several days or weeks later when a complication occurs. In urological surgery, however, where injury is most commonly associated with ureteroscopic procedures for stone disease, 77% are diagnosed intraoperatively. Of these ureteric injuries, 91% occur in the lower third, 7% in the middle third, and 2% in the upper third. Diagnosis Injuries recognized and repaired intraoperatively carry a better prognosis of cure than those that become manifest postoperatively as a result of complications [10,20,22,23]. In a review of 165 ureteral injuries by Selzman and Spirnak, the number of procedures required to repair urological injuries was 1. Compared to 16% in gynecological surgery and 56% in general surgery, 77% of injuries were diagnosed intraoperatively. This difference is mainly due to the different procedures that cause such injuries in these specialties in presumably the greater familiarity with ureteric anatomy among urologists. Features of postoperative presentation can be nonspecific and therefore a ureteral injury must first be suspected to be detected. The symptoms and signs include persistent fever, flank pain, ileus, abdominal mass, and excessive drain output or wound or vaginal leakage. Fistulae of the vagina and skin tend to be present 7–10 days after surgery with urinary leakage [18,20–22,24]. Excessive wound drainage or leakage per vagina may be collected and analyzed for urea and electrolyte levels to determine if it is urine. This will usually demonstrate the site of injury as well as associated pathology such as hydronephrosis and ureteric fistulation and urinomas in addition to allowing the assessment of other associated abdominal and pelvic injuries. Prevention Iatrogenic injuries are best managed by preventive rather than corrective measures. Avoidance of ureteric injury is invariably the principle of all good surgical practice and begins with a thorough knowledge of the course of the ureters, the nature, and the site of potential ureteric injuries and an adequate preoperative evaluation. Congenital anomalies, ectopic ureters, and ureteric duplications should be recognized in advance and may be defined on preoperative imaging. Where radical surgery is being carried out and the ureters are involved or displaced by the pathology, their course should be mapped and the necessary precautions taken. Identification of the length of ureter within the operative field should significantly reduce the risk of damage. The ureters are recognized by the glistening appearance of their sheaths, peristalsis on stimulation, and characteristic feel on palpation. Dissection of the ureters may be necessary, especially when in close proximity to resection margins. Sharp dissection along the line of the ureter, 1661 incorporating a generous cuff of periureteric adventitia, should reduce the risk of ischemic injury.

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Undermining can be carried out If we need to treat hypotone of the platysma in the lateral anteriorly through the submental approach (to be discussed neck area or reinforce its laxity in the region caudal to the 928 M order pioglitazone 30 mg line diabetes mellitus definition and types. To avoid dam- identified; in necks with a greater fat content buy discount pioglitazone diabetes mellitus type 2 edema, we have to look for it by pull- age to the retroauricular nerve and the external jugular vein buy pioglitazone line diabetes signs headache, it is opportune ing this point upwards using forceps purchase cheap pioglitazone online blood sugar solution diet. In thin patients the posterior border of the platysma is easily border of the muscle where our tunnel is to be created Platysma External jugular vein Deep face of the platysma External jugular vein F i g. Limited degree of sors is introduced and the area is undermined to approximately 4–5 cm. Once the cleavage place has been located, a Metzenbaum scis- landmarks are respected then lesion to noble structures are rare mandibular angle (e. The myo-cutaneous flap allows the con- Thirdly, undermining the platysma gives greater mobility to temporaneous mobilisation of the muscle and the overlying the entire adipo-muscular flap facilitating the relocation of adherent cutis. This might be helpful to by applying a vertical vector whereas the cutis is pulled in an augment the volume in the area of the angle and improve the oblique postero-superior direction. Considerable mining as much as possible for particular typologies of skin excess in the anterior region cannot be rectified by Surgical Treatment of Ageing in the Neck 929 limited cutaneous undermining as this may result in inade- 4. Complete muscle in an opposite direction from its downwards slacken- ing due to ageing and secondly, due to the presence of the 4. A vertical vector was not applied as this would have out on the platysma and has the objective of facilitating both necessitated anchorage to the preauricular adipose tissue mobility and rotation of the muscle. The platysma is incised approximately 4–5 cm below the The description of the timpano-parotid fascia by the anat- lower mandibular rim starting from its lateral border to omist Lorè which was popularised by a paper of Labbè approximately 4–5 cm towards the midline. The two vectors, it allows traction and repositioning of the platysma without oblique postero-superior and vertical produce different subjecting it to excessive tension. To be effective, the section results; the choice of one or another is dependent on the ana- should be associated with other measures aimed at moving tomical situation and the objectives to achieve. These manoeuvres have the effect powerful effect on all tissues located in the anterior and of pulling both the muscle and the overlying tissues. If we lower neck regions, giving marked improvements on skin wish to pull the platysma in a postero-oblique direction, then laxity down to the level of the sternal notch, on the cervico- mobilisation of the platysma is not necessary and lateral sec- mandibular angle and the mandibular border. In practice, the only occa- fascia became a viable surgical option our approach to trac- sion when we do not perform lateral section is when we tion vectors changed and nowadays we mainly use vertical anchor the muscle at the mastoid region following a postero- vectors, leaving oblique vectors for specific cases. However, in the vast majority of cases verti- While postero-oblique traction of the platysma does not cal traction is performed and therefore, lateral section is an always require its lateral section, in the case of vertical trac- indispensable step to mobilise the tissues and anchor them tion, it is opportune to incise the lateral border of the pla- solidly to Lorè’s fascia (Figs. Therefore, we can also apply an oblique traction vector in • H ypotonic platysma the case of myo-cutaneous laxity limited to the submental • M o derate cutaneous flaccidity in the suprahyoid antero- area. This does not mean that vertical traction is not effective lateral neck region in absence of platysmal bands in these cases. Following the principle of the decomposition of vectors, specific traction acting on a limited area has greater From a technical point of view, the fundamental stages of effect than diffuse traction on a more extended area. Contrarily, the lateral section are the following: vertical traction is the option of choice in the following condi- tions: skin excess in the lower anterior neck, obtuse cervico- • I dentification of the posterior border of the platysma at a mandibular angle and poorly-defined mandibular border. Sometimes what would be the solution of choice is not • E xposing the subplatysmal cleavage plane practicable for other reasons. In these situations we must not • U n dermining the platysma and creation of a tunnel only rely on technical details but also follow common sense. The inferior border of the mandibular angle has been vre on a patient on the operating table. The ideal approach to the pla- the sternocleidomastoid and locate the lateral margin of the platysma (in tysma is situated approximately 4–5 cm caudal to the mandible.

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