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The first is to further prayer and repentance: writings which elaborate on wilful sinning aim to stimulate energetic personal initiatives towards reformation purchase arimidex 1mg with mastercard menstruation vs miscarriage. Indeed buy arimidex 1mg low cost menopause jewelry, great care is always taken to associate descriptions of plague as God’s scourge with accents on its quality as a just and deserved retribution discount arimidex line breast cancer 5k nyc, a pesti- lential visitation sent by a just God to his creatures who have ‘justly deserved’ it (Grindal 1563: 484) cheap arimidex line breast cancer quiz. A text of exceptional persuasive cha- racter and capillary dissemination, the collection of plague prayers published in 1563 by the Bishop of London Edmund Grindal for use in each English church and household, includes this invocation: “turn away from us this his plague and punishment, most justly poured upon us for our sins and unthankfulness” (1563: 78). The discourse of divine clemency and fairness in association with open or implied references to human culpability is furthered by stress on divine patience: God has repeatedly forgiven sinners and has urged repentance; only “at length” has he begun “to stretch forth his v punishing hande” (Pullein 1608: D2 ). Other writings propose the same notion of a merciful God by presenting plague as the product of divine love: “God most mercifully chastiseth his Children for their sinnes […] that they might […] flee vnto him for help” (I. Semantic fields in the discourse of plague Within the discourse of plague as punishment, two semantic fields ‒ one concerning communication, the other law ‒ are worth noting. As regards the first, the disease is frequently presented as God’s means of communication with his disobedient creatures, as a sort of “messen- Ideological Uses of Medical Discourses in Early Modern English 53 ger” (Hooper 1553: A2). An evocative treatment of this function of pestilence is found in the first-hand account of the great London epi- demic of 1665 by the nonconforming preacher Thomas Vincent. In a passage characterized by a didactic and pedantic tone, the London minister points out that “God being a Spirit, hath no Mouth nor Tongue properly as men have, […] therefore his way of speaking is not like ours”; indeed, he speaks “by terrible things” and his voice is “loud and full of terrour”. As if reading a list of charges in court, authors compile long and detailed catalogues of sins which have occasioned an “awakening judgment” (Vincent 1667: 21), a “fearfull iudgement of the Lord” (Pullein 1608: E) in the form of a pestilential 5 visitation. Metaphors used to describe plague often include terms from the judicial area: plague is an “extra ordinary magistrate to v reforme and punish […] synne” (Hooper 1553: B3 ) and a “Nimble v executioner of the Diuine Iustice” (Dekker 1630: A4 ). While all texts, in connection with characterizations of plague as punishment, refer to some extent to divine wrath, some writings inflect this theme and depict the terrible image of a pitiless, blood- thirsty God at war with humanity. As with the discourse of human cul- pability discussed above, emphases on God’s fearfulness are generally more numerous and forceful in texts designed, by rousing terror, to convince people of the extreme virulence of the present epidemic requiring an extraordinary effort in terms of universal prayer and fasting, or in writings, especially by nonconformist ministers, which lay stress exclusively or predominantly on the supernatural origin of plague. I suggest that frequent and often particularly vehement refer- ences to God’s cruelty and fearfulness may also function as more or 5 Interesting lists are found in Vincent (1667: 51) and Church of England (1603: C3v). Drawing inspiration from and at the same time adding to a repertoire of scriptural images, numerous plague writings lay stress on God’s bellicose attitude. Hence, the epidemiolo- gical weaponry of the pestilential bacillus ─ the intensity of pain, the horror of signs, the rapid demise of victims ─ is transfigured in depic- tions of God’s weapons: sharp arrows, for a precise, mortal wound, a sword, a rod. The semantic field of military operations is evoked by frequent occurrences of expressions within the battle domain: thus God is cast as a “furious enemy” (Vincent 1667: 176) who negotiates “the retrait from the battell” (Pullein 1608: E) with his afflicted creatures. The terrifying sounds of the battlefield echo in plague writings which often include mentions of the “drum of God’s wrath” and the “Trumpet vnto the Lord’s battels” (Pullein 1608: E). This image of a bellicose God is a commonplace of all texts, including those by lay authors, like Kellwaye, a “Gentleman” writing for “the loue and benefit of his fellow countrymen”, who warns that God “hath determined to strike vs at the quicke” (1593: A3). Plague writings seem to document a general attempt to make sense of the enormity of the calamity in recognizable and acceptable terms as a no quarter war declared by God who typically destroys, smites, strikes, slaughters, slays and kills. He is an invincible enemy whose records on the battlefield include the annihilation of thousands in just three days with a pestilential visitation in response to David’s trespasses as Bishop Grindal reminds the English people (1563: 479). Military vocabulary and imagery extend to God’s ministers: since their vehement urgings to repent and hence parry the divine blow have fallen on deaf ears, they have joined the exterminating army: “now must you heare vs strike vp the drum of God’s wrath, and sound out the Trumpet vnto the Lords battels” (Pullein 1608: E). In addition to these volunteer drummers and trumpeters, God’s army in- Ideological Uses of Medical Discourses in Early Modern English 55 cludes redoubtable fighters like “venimous Aspes, and bloodie Lyons, Sathan and his wicked spirites” (Holland 1603: 53). The discourse of God’s enmity and bellicosity had universal currency, conveyed as it was not just through repeated elaborations in sermons and miscellaneous texts on Scriptural warnings that “the ar- rowes of the Lord are drunke with blood and his sword doth not cease deuoring of mans flesh” (Pullein 1608: E), but also in the iconogra- phical apparatus of widely circulated broadsheets and bills of morta- lity which was characterized by a version of the medieval danse macabre: God’s angel brandishes a sword and hovers from a pesti- lential cloud over cities and villages while a triumphant Death with his usual attributes, the hourglass and dart, is surrounded by coffins and corpses. As Sheils points out: “explanations of disease in terms of God’s will to punish and in terms of natural pheno- mena could be reconciled by theories of primary and secondary causa- tion” (1982: 89). Unsurprisingly, the balance between supernatural and natural explanations fluctuates in a remarkable way according to the characters and purposes of texts. Hence surgeon William Boras- ton, after a prefatory mention of sin as plague’s primary cause, first enlarges on the secondary means used by God to infect villages and cities, “astrall Impression”, “the coniunction of Saturne and Mars”, “Eclipses”, then alerts readers on the role of “the breath, heat, sweat, smell, habitation, and garments from the sicke” in contagion (1630: 1- 3).

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In a double- This review discusses recent advances in our understanding blind randomized study of 2 order arimidex online pills menstrual irregularities in perimenopause,760 patients with asthma purchase arimidex line pregnancy 6 weeks 3 days, of the pathophysiology purchase arimidex 1 mg online womens health 6 10, diagnosis cheap 1mg arimidex fast delivery pregnancy 7dpo, and treatment of near- the budesonide/formoterol maintenance therapy plus relief fatal asthma medication prolonged the time to first exacerbations and Ringdal N, Chuchalin A, Chovan L, et al. The a randomised, double-blind comparison of Seretide therapy also improved symptoms, nighttime awakenings, (50/250 microg bd Diskus vs formoterol (12 microg and lung function. Salmeterol plus fluticasone was at least as airway responsiveness are useful in making a diagnosis of effective as formoterol plus budesonide in improving pulmo- asthma, especially when symptoms are present and there is nary function despite a lower corticosteroid dose. The anti-inflam- The airway smooth muscle is a major effector cell of asthma matory effects of leukotriene-modifying drugs and that is responsible for bronchomotor tone. Am J Respir Crit 5:185–193 Care Med 2005; 172:453–459 This article reviews the relationship between obesity and Patients with asthma symptoms who had not previously asthma. A number of prospective studies have shown that received a diagnosis of asthma were studied to determine weight gain can antedate the development of asthma. Curr Opin Allergy However, it also takes a closer inspection of the literature Clin Immunol 2005; 5:49–56 and reveals significant overlaps between the two conditions. In this study, more than airway hyperresponsiveness as an additional guide to one in four children had wheezing that persisted from childhood long-term treatment. The factors pre- 159:1043–1051 dicting persistence or relapse were sensitization to house dust This group of investigators explored whether a treatment mites, airway hyperresponsiveness, female sex, smoking, and strategy aimed at reducing airway hyperresponsiveness early age at onset. These findings, together with persistently added to the strategies used in the asthma guidelines would low lung function, suggest that outcomes in adult patients provide more effective control of asthma and greater improve- with asthma may be determined primarily in early childhood. This implies that the monitoring of airway This interesting article discusses a theory of why a paradoxi- hyperresponsiveness (by repeated bronchial inhalation chal- cal response sometimes develops in asthmatic patients who lenge) may improve the long-term management of asthma. Sudden-onset fatal was written by a panel of experts, including allergists, pulm- asthma: a distinct entity with few eosinophils and rela- onologists, and occupational medicine physicians, The Con- tively more neutrophils in the airway submucosa? Am sensus Document defined work-related asthma to include Rev Respir Dis 1993; 148:713–719 occupational asthma (ie, asthma induced by sensitizer or This study determined the histologic differences in the air- irritant work exposures) and work-exacerbated asthma (ie, ways of patients who died of sudden-onset asthma ( 1 h) preexisting or concurrent asthma worsened by work factors). Patients with slow-onset asthma had more agement (including diagnostic tests, and work and compen- eosinophils and fewer neutrophils than patients with sudden- sation issues), as well as preventive measures. The relationship asthma is immunohistologically distinct from the slow-onset between infant airway function, childhood airway type because of these differences in eosinophilic and neutro- responsiveness and asthma. They raise the possibility that the Med 2004; 169:921–927 mechanisms involved in these two distinct forms of asthma This study sought to determine whether there are early life are different. The presence of This article reviews the basic and clinical science that impli- wheezing at age 11 years was associated with lower lung func- cates the atypical bacterial pathogens M pneumoniae and tion during infancy and was independent of increased airway Chlamydophila (formerly Chlamydia) pneumoniae responsiveness and atopy at a younger age. Although their that intrinsic disturbances in lung function, possibly related exact contribution to asthma development and/or persistence to lung development, maternal factors, and/or environmental remains to be determined, evidence links them to new-onset factors close to the time of birth, have a role in the later devel- asthma and asthma exacerbations. It concludes Recent investigations have highlighted that endogenous that aspirin-induced asthma runs a protracted course even if antiinflammatory mediators and immune-regulating mecha- therapy with cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitors is avoided. Risk fac- diagnostic methods has shown that rhinovirus is the most tors associated with the presence of irreversible airflow common cause but coinfection is frequent. Viruses provoke limitation and reduced transfer coefficient in patients asthma attacks by additive or synergistic interactions with with asthma after 26 years of follow up. Respiratory viruses cause 58:322–327 asthma exacerbations by triggering the recruitment of T- Fixed airflow obstruction develops in some asthmatic helper type 2 cells into the lung. Diagnosis and adults with a history of asthma were reexamined to assess management of work-related asthma: American Col- the risk factors for the development of irreversible airway lege of Chest Physicians Consensus Statement.

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